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CS-Effect Partner Candice Warltier had the opportunity to speak with a number of association executives about how they are modernizing often “stale” affinity programs for an article in the Association Forum’s Forum magazine.  Many executives agree that several factors are essential to ensuring a successful affinity program and leads to added value for membership and new revenue. From identifying valuable partners to really understanding your audiences, successful, revenue-boosting affinity programs require strategy to drive member value and retention.

Affinity programs are just one way in which organizations are listening to their audiences. At CS-Effect understanding our clients’ audiences leads to better strategies and thoughtful communications plans that ultimately cause the greatest effect. Knowing your audiences allows us to develop messages that resonate and move your audiences to change their behavior.  

A few tried and true ways we learn more about target audiences is by uncovering insights through focus groups, one-on-one interviews, and surveys. Communications audits are another point of insight, which include reviewing Google and social media analytics to determine audience behaviors. We then develop audience personas based on research to drive the strategic plan.